
Idiot Journalists "Shocked" Muslim Brotherhood on Verge of Taking Egypt.

(Note: this was originally titled "Idiot Leftists "Shocked" Muslim Brotherhood on Verge of Taking Egypt."
We have changed the subject to "Journalists" to reflect a similar level of naivete on the subject in The Telegraph, ostensibly a Tory paper in Britain.  
Their headlined article "Muslim Brotherhood heading for surprise victory in first round of Egyptian election" certainly shows The Telegraph to be as uninformed as veteran PBS Leftcaster Charley Rose, who we use as our whipping-boy du jour below).

Yesterday afternoon we had the distinct displeasure of accidentally tuning into Charley Rose where he was recapping the first round of voting in Egypt, and we listened to his telephone conversation with Egyptian Coptic Christian and telecom magnate Naguib Sawiris.

For the entire ten minutes Rose just could not get it through his thick head (or likely couldn't get Sawiris to change his tune) what everyone else (except the Leftwing Media and that trio of useful infidels, Hillary, Obama & McCain) had predicted:

A) That the Muslim Brotherhood was probably going take the first round of elections in Egypt, and
(B) That their success meant it very likely that Egypt would now become a Sharia-compliant, jihadi-exporting terror state that would further destabilize the region.

Unfortunately Charley Rose decided to edit out his conversation with Sawwiris, so you'll have to take our word for it (and our paraphrasing below) that Charley was just stupified to hear repeatedly that Egypt might be the next Iran or Afghanistan.

Charley Rose: Are you certain the Muslim Brotherhood is leading?
Charley Rose: Are you certain, certain?

One has to wonder what pressure was put on Charley to delete the conversation from his website. As you can see from this screen shot, 


Did The Iranians Execute A Fall-Guy (& Forge His Passport)?

Mr. Ottolenghi discusses how an Iranian-freedom blogger is questioning, among other issues, whether a photo of the hanging of Jamali Fashi, (the 24-year-old Iranian accused of carrying out the Israeli-sponsored assassination of Massoud-Ali Mohammadi, the Iranian nuclear scientist) is actually a real photo of the executed Mr. Fashi [photos below].
Ottolenghi points out that the Iranian-released photo of Fashi's "Israeli" passport has the name and passport # redacted, and more importantly, that the age noted on the passport couldn't possibly match that of the man hanged by the Iranians.
Fashi’s picture is very recent – yet the passport was issued, according to the snapshot, on 17 November 2003. Fashi’s biographical details tell us that he was 24 when he was hanged. If that is the case, he would have been 15-years-old – a teenager, with a much more boyish face with less facial hair than the picture shows.  
For obvious reasons then, the year of birth of the passport holder is concealed as well.
Fashi might have been executed after all. But the attempt to turn him into a Mossad agent and gun-for-hire rests clearly on an orchestrated attempt by the regime to scapegoat someone who is innocent.
But now, reminiscent of the infamous Pajama Patrol rebuke of Dan Rather, one of the commenters at the bottom of the article points out that the Iranian-released photo is actually a Wikipedia example photo, with Fashi's head photoshopped in.
(Click image to enlarge).
On left, the photo of the "passport" of alleged Israeli spy Fashi.
On right, the Wiki example of an actual Israeli passport page.

Looking closely at the full pictures side-by-side, you can clearly see that the passport issue and expiration dates, city of residence, etc are all the same.

Aside from the heinous act of hanging (or faking the hanging) of a fall-guy, inquiring readers also want to know: did the Iranians hire Dan Rather's document forger, or Obama's literary agent?

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From The Net:

"Greece is collapsing, the Iranians are getting aggressive, and Rome is in disarray. Welcome back to 430 BC.”

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Obama Re-Writes History.

From Townhall:

Earlier this week Obama administration officials were caught red-handed adding policy facts about their boss into almost every single official presidential biography (since Calvin Coolidge) listed on the White House website. As a result, the Karl Rove-backed Super PAC American Crossroads released a web ad Friday hammering the administration for using such contemptible tactics to promote their economic and legislative agenda. While officials claim the subtle maneuver was “common practice” and “innocuous,” the Super PAC is using the occasion to mock President Obama and shed light on his failed record. 
The last time we read about political "leaders" re-writing history in such a blatant manner, wasn't it Stalin and Mao?

But wait, there's more!

Courtesy of Obama In History,

Obama Guest Lecturing With Einstein

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